Nvidia, AMD, Halvledaraktier drabbades trots chipbrist

Shares of the major semiconductor producers have been heavily pressured even in the face of strong and broad demand for chips. 

The shares of Nvidia (NVDA) - Hämta NVIDIA Corporation-rapport, Avancerade mikroenheter  (AMD) - Hämta rapporten Advanced Micro Devices, Inc, Micron Technology  (MU) - Hämta rapport från Micron Technology, Inc, Texas instrument  (TXN) - Hämta Texas Instruments Incorporated-rapport and even Intel  (INTC) - Hämta Intel Corporation rapport have fallen sharply. 

Carmakers, for example, have idled production of certain vehicles due to a lack of chips. Waiting lists to acquire new vehicles have lengthened by many months at almost every producer.

Source: https://www.thestreet.com/technology/nvidia-amd-semiconductor-stocks-hit-demand-strong?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo